Support Groups

  • Healing Hearts

    1st & 3rd Thursdays at 10:30am, Room 105

    see calendar for summer meeting schedule

    The St. John’s  United Methodist Church organization “Healing Hearts “is a grief group that offers support, comfort and fellowship. We meet twice a month . The first Thursday of the month we meet at the church at 400 Jackson Street in Richmond, Texas in Room 105 at 10:30 am.  If we don’t have a program scheduled then we have open discussion of any needs or feelings that need addressing.  Then we vote on a place to eat and as many who can go to lunch together. On the third Thursday we just meet at a designated restaurant at 11:00 am for lunch and fellowship. We have become a group of ladies and men who enjoy each others company and have companionship with others to eat out with since many of us don’t like to eat out alone. We are always ready to welcome new friends and try to meet their needs but we are not an organized Grief Share Group. Any questions you may have can be addressed to Bunnie Moore.

  • Alzheimer's Caregiver Support Group

    1st Thursdays at 7pm, Wendt Hall

    St. John’s sponsors this support group for family members, caregivers, and friends. The group meets the first Thursday of each month from 7:00pm-8:00pm in Room 105. Please use the 4th Street entrance. Questions? Email or call 1-800-272-3900 for more details. All newcomers welcome!

  • Prayer Team

    Our prayers are for our world, nation, community, church, families, and individuals, including those on the church's prayer list. The church has a prayer room maintained by the Team and vigils are held during the year to promote and encourage prayer by our congregation and for our pastors and staff.